Ken Liu

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Ken Liu has won the Nebula, Hugo, and World Fantasy Awards and been a finalist for the Sturgeon and Locus Awards.
His debut fantasy novel, THE GRACE OF KINGS, was published by Saga Press, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, in April 2015. Saga will also release a collection of his short stories titled THE PAPER MENAGERIE AND OTHER STORIES, in November 2015.
A programmer as well as a lawyer, Ken has published stories in F&SF, Asimov's, Analog, Strange Horizons, Clarkesworld, and Lightspeed, among other places. Besides writing original fiction, he also translates fiction from Chinese into English.
He lives in Massachusetts with his wife and daughters. For more about him and his work, please visit
My policy on book reviews I write on Goodreads: I will generally not give ratings to books that could be considered to be in the same genres as mine -- the conflict of interest (or the perception thereof) is simply too strong.
Occasionally I will make an exception and rate a book that is already a major success (e.g., CLOUD ATLAS) such that my rating cannot possibly have any influence on its reception.
I will, however, promote by word and deed books I love by authors I love, regardless of their genre, because I don't believe the literary market is a zero-sum game.

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Количество книг по ролям: Автор - 25. ( 25 на иностранном языке) Переводы - 4. ( 4 на иностранном языке)
По форматам:  fb2 книги - 29 (33.42 Мб)
Всего книг: 29. Объём всех книг: 33 Мб (35,045,426 байт)
Средний рейтинг 5Всего оценок - 1, средняя оценка книг автора - 5
Оценки: нечитаемо - 0, плохо - 0, неплохо - 0, хорошо - 0, отлично! - 1


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