Kate Hoffmann

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Peggy Hoffmann is an American writer of over 70 romance novels since 1993 as Kate Hoffmann. She has written for both the Temptation and Blaze lines for Harlequin Books. She lives in southeastern Wisconsin.
Hoffmann majored in music in college, later she settled into a job teaching music to elementary school children. After she left teaching, she had jobs in fashion merchandising, advertising, public relations and marketing/communications on both the agency and corporate side. She began reading romantic novels in 1979, when she picked up a copy of Ashes in the Wind by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss, after which she immediately read all by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss, Rosemary Rogers, Laurie McBain, Valerie Sherwood, Johanna Lindsey and Jennifer Blake.
She attempted writing historical novels but eventually turned to contemporary novels instead. Her first contemporary novel was published in 1993 under the pseudonym "Kate Hoffmann."

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