Информатика и образование 2019 №02 [журнал «Информатика и образование»] (pdf) читать постранично, страница - 50

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Список использованных источников
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O. R. Shefer1, L. S. Nosova1, T. N. Lebedeva1

South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University
454080, Russia, Chelyabinsk, Lenin pr., 69
Industry 4.0 imposes certain requirements on the openness of academic results presented in the electronic portfolio — an
alternative to academic diploma, which allows the employer to see how the co-seeker implements the lifelong education society
slogan in his life. The article presents a study on the use of the undergraduate student’s electronic portfolio, which ensures the
productivity of the educational process at the university. The creation of an electronic portfolio provides a high-quality accumulation
of information necessary for the timely recording of real changes and achievements of an undergraduate student. Maintaining an
electronic portfolio is a creative work that allows the undergraduate student to realistically present their educational level, see the
reserves, determine the vector of professional and personal self-improvement and master digital technologies, and let the employer
remotely select applicants to make a decision upon inviting him for an interview. In the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution,
the country’s position in the global world economy will be determined not only by the degree of development of the digital economy,
but also by the quality of human capital and education.
Keywords: academic results, e-portfolio, student of baccalaureate, digital technologies.
DOI: 10.32517/0234-0453-2019-34-2-56-62
For citation:
Shefer O. R., Nosova L. S., Lebedeva T. N. Ehlektronnoe portfolio v sisteme podgotovki studentov bakalavriata k budushhej
professional’noj deyatel’nosti [E-portfolio in the system of preparation of students of baccalaureate for future professional activity].
Informatika i obrazovanie — Informatics and Education, 2019, no. 2, p. 56–62. (In Russian.)
Received: October 31,