Frank Herbert

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Frank Herbert
born in Tacoma, Washington, The United States October 08, 1920
died February 11, 1986

Frank Herbert was a critically acclaimed and commercially successful American science fiction author.
He is best known for the novel Dune and its five sequels. The Dune saga, set in the distant future and taking place over millennia, dealt with themes such as human survival and evolution, ecology, and the intersection of religion, politics, and power, and is widely considered to be among the classics in the field of science fiction.
He was the father of fellow author Brian Herbert.

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Количество книг по ролям: Автор - 35. ( 34 на иностранном языке)
По форматам:  fb2 книги - 35 (35.47 Мб)
Всего книг: 35. Объём всех книг: 35 Мб (37,192,997 байт)

1) A Dűne 1.65 Мб
2) ChapterHouse: Dune 0.88 Мб
3) Children of Dune 0.96 Мб
4) Der Wüstenplanet 2.8 Мб
5) Destination: Void 0.47 Мб
6) Diuna 1.36 Мб
7) Dune 1.57 Мб
8) Dune 1.47 Мб
9) Dune 1.55 Мб
10) Dune 1.67 Мб
11) Dune 1.27 Мб
12) Dune - Tome 1 (traduction revue et corrigée) 1.69 Мб
13) Dune (Tome 1) 0.58 Мб
14) Dune Messiah 0.53 Мб
15) Dzieci Diuny 1 Мб
16) Frank Herbert's Dune Saga Collection: Books 1 - 6 6.34 Мб
17) Gli occhi di Heisenberg 0.39 Мб
18) God Emperor of Dune 0.83 Мб
19) Heretics of Dune 0.99 Мб
20) High-Opp 0.46 Мб
21) Il cervello verde 0.39 Мб
22) Les enfants de Dune 1.09 Мб
23) Les yeux d'Heisenberg 0.4 Мб
24) Missing Link 0.27 Мб
25) Oczy Heisenberga 0.29 Мб
26) Old Rambling House 0.14 Мб
27) Operation Haystack 0.19 Мб
28) Revolte gegen die Unsterblichen 0.34 Мб
29) The Ascension Factor 0.71 Мб
30) The Dosadi Experiment 0.55 Мб
31) The Eyes of Heisenberg 0.37 Мб
32) The Godmakers 0.43 Мб
33) The Jesus Incident 0.77 Мб
34) The Lazarus Effect 0.76 Мб
35) Whipping Star 0.33 Мб


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