Make Winning a Habit [с таблицами] [Rick Page] (fb2)

Rick Page  

Маркетинг, PR, реклама  

Make Winning a Habit [с таблицами] 671 Кб, 169с.
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Добавлена: 09.09.2012 Версия: 1.0.
Дата создания файла: 2010-03-27
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A master of the complex sale and a bestselling author, Rick Page is also one of the most experienced sales consultants and trainers in the world. Make Winning A Habit defines the gap between what companies know to do and how they consistently perform.
Page clearly identifies five “Ts” of transformation: Talent, Technique, Teamwork, Technology and Trust. These five elements, when fully developed and integrated into the sales and marketing organization, begin to create the habit of winning over customers in every industry. Stories of successes-and failures-from members of prominent companies help you apply the five “Ts” to your company's culture, and point the way to more effective plans for motivating employees, building and coaching winning teams, and improving hiring processes.
Then, with the use of Page's assessment scorecard, you can compare your company with some of the strategies and practices of the best sales forces in the world. Designed to gauge your organization's effectiveness and further develop breakthrough sales growth, this scorecard highlights your strengths and weaknesses, helping you bridge the gap between where you are and where you need to be.
You'll also learn about:
The “Deadly Dozen” (pains sales managers feel today) and how they can kill business
A ten-point process for identifying and hiring nothing less than “A” players
The 8 “ates” of managing strategic accounts and how they will maximize revenue and elevate relationships
How to identify and correct the six most common areas of poor individual sales performance
With Make Winning A Habit, you'll discover the obstacles between you and the consistent sales performance you can achieve-and find the tools to not only make success a habit, but one that will keep growing with your business.


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Eric Gist and Patrick Mosher, Accenture,
One of the biggest mistakes companies make is reserving employee performance feedback for the typical annual review. The Sales Performance Challenge

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